Solved MCQs of Computer Graphics and Multimedia Systems

Solved MCQs of Computer Graphics and Multimedia Systems

Graphics and Multimedia Systems Graphics and Multimedia Systems are essential in creating effective presentations, documents, and other graphical outputs.

Computer Graphics and Multimedia Systems

50 MCQs of Graphics and Multimedia Systems

1. s deals with the interface between input devices such as mice and tablets.
Ans. User interaction

2. Virtual reality attempts to immerse the user into a 3D virtual world. State True/False.
Ans. True

3. Visualization attempts to give users insight into complex information via ____
Ans. visual display

4. What are update dynamics?
Ans. It is interactive graphics facility to change shape, color and other properties.

5. DSP stands for .
Ans. Digital Siganl Processing.

6. Detection and clarification of standard patterns is related to .
Ans. Pattern detection

7. OCR Stands for ____
Ans. Optical character recognition

8. What is visualization?
Ans. technique for creating images, diagrams, or animations to communicate a message

9. Scientific visualization is the transformation, selection, or representation of data from ____
Ans. simulations

10. Zero intensity for each component gives the ___
Ans. darkest color.

11. The RGB color model define what is meant by red, green, and blue. State True/False
Ans. False, does not provide colors.

12. 3-bit representation allows each primary to vary independently between ____
Ans. two intensity levels

13. ____is commonly referred to as the true color representation.
Ans. 24-bits format

14. The color of a particular pixel is determined by the ___in the lookup table entry.
Ans. color value

15. DVST Stands for ___
Ans. Direct view storage tube

16. Choose the impact printer from the following list
Ans. dot-matrix printer

17. Feedback from the CRT face is provided by means of small tracking symbol called a cursor. (True/False).
Ans. True

18. Passive graphics device allows the user to communicate with the computer graphically. (True/False).
Ans. False – An active graphics device allows the user to communicate with the computer graphically.

19. CGM Stands for ____.
Ans. Computer Graphics Metafile

20. The basic building blocks for pictures are referred as ____
Ans. Output primitives

21. DDA stands for ____.
Ans. Digital Differential Analyzer

22. is accomplished by calculating intermediate positions along the line path between two specified endpoint positions.
Ans. Line drawing

23. Which method is used to load a specified color into the frame buffer at a specified position?
Ans. Set Pixel (x ,y)

24. The Cartesian slope-intercept equation for a straight line is ____
Ans. y = m . x + y

25. On raster systems, lines are plotted with ____
Ans. Pixels.

26. We can improve the performance of the DDA algorithm by separating the increments ___ and into integer and fractional parts.
Ans. m and l / m

27. The Bresenham’s line-drawing algorithm is based on drawing an approximation of the true line. (True/False)
Ans. True.

29. Integer only is efficient and fast and multiplication by 2 can be implemented by left-shift. (True/Fasle)
Ans. True.

30. How many electron guns are used in the DVST?
Ans. Two

31. In circle, spacing between plotted pixels can be adjusted by interchanging x and y, when the absolute value of the slope of the circle is ___.
Ans. greater than 1

32. Midpoint circle algorithm is otherwise called as
Ans. bresenhsam’s algorithm

33. Circle sections in adjacent octants within one quadrant are symmetric with respect to the ____ degree line dividing the two octants.
Ans. 45

34. Circle (x,y) = x2 + y2 – r2 any point (x,y) on the boundary of the circle with radius r satisfies the equation when ____.
a. circle(x,y)=0 b. circle(x,y)=1 c. circle(x,y)=-1 d. circle(x,y)>0
Ans. a. circle(x,y)=0

35. Ellipse has less symmetry than a circle. State (True/False).
Ans. True

36. f(x, y)=0 if
Ans.(x,y) is on the boundary of the ellipse

37. The ____ algorithm is an ingenious way of filling in irregular polygons.
Ans. Scan line fill

38. ET stands for ___.
Ans. edge table

39. _ and are the two algorithm used for boundary fill process.
Ans. Four-connected and eight-connected

40. How many parameters required for eight_fill procedure?
a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 d. 2
Ans. b. 4

41. 4-fill and 8-fill algorithms which involves recursion will not consume memory and time. (True/False)
Ans. False .These algorithms consume more memory and time.

42. Each translation follows a specific rule. (state True/False)
Ans. True

43. A rotation is a transformation that is performed by ____ the object around a fixed point known as the ____.
Ans. spinning, center of rotation

44. We can do if you want to double the size of given objects.
Ans. scaling

45. Each basic transformation take the form P’ = M1 .P + M2. State True/False.
Ans. True

46. Transforming from a Cartesian system to a non-Cartesian one is an easy process. State True/False
Ans. False

47. In interactive applications, it is more convenient to choose a direction V relative to a position .
Ans. P0

48. and ____ process require to transform the matrix.
Ans. Translate and rotate

49. Produces a mirror image of an object by rotating it 180o
Ans. Reflection

50. For reflection about any line y=mx + b, we employ the combination of__,  and __.
Ans. Translate, rotate and reflect

51. transformation distorts the shape of an object..
Ans. Shear 


MCQ Graphics and Multimedia Systems can help you produce professional designs and layouts quickly and easily. With the help of our software, you can create attractive multimedia presentations that will impress your audience. So why wait? Start using MCQ Graphics today!

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