Artificial Intelligence MCQ Question Bank with Answers

Artificial Intelligence MCQ Question Bank with Answers

Artificial Intelligence MCQ Question Bank with Answers in Computer Science Pdf| AI MCQ questions for preparing for various exams. 

Artificial Intelligence MCQ

Artificial Intelligence MCQ Question with Answers

1. AI (Artificial Intelligence) is one of the newest disciplines, formally initiated in ___ when the name was coined.
A) 1986
B) 1956
C) 1995
D) 1990
Answer: (B) AI (Artificial Intelligence) was formally initiated in 1956 when the name was coined.

2. Which of the following principle of AI is the physical symbol system hypothesis?
A) Second principle
B) First principle
C) Third principle
D) None of the above
Answer: (A) The physical symbol system hypothesis is the second principle of AI.

3. DARPA stands for
A) Defense Advanced Research Project Agency
B) Defense Advanced Research Project Association
C) Defense Advanced Real Project Agency
D) Defense Advanced Regular Project Agency
Answer: (A) The acronym DARPA represents Defense Advanced Research Project Agency.

4. In Tic-Tac-Toe, the board can be represented as an array of ___ cells.
A) Six
B) nine
C) ten
D) four
Answer: (B) The board in Tic-Tac-Toe can be represented as an array of nine cells.

5. The concept of ___ search is widely used in Artificial Intelligence.
A) Production system
B) Inference rules
C) State Space
D) Actions
Answer: (C) State Space search in AI explores and navigates possible states to find a desired solution or goal.

6. ___ searches are performed by exploring all nodes at a given depth before proceeding to the next level.
A) Depth-second
B) Breadth-second
C) Depth-first
D) Breadth-first
Answer: (D) Breadth-first search in AI is an exploration strategy that visits all neighboring nodes at the current depth level before moving to the next level.

7. ___ performs structure elucidation in organic chemistry based on data from a mass spectrometer which bombards chemical samples with electrons, breaking atomic bonds.
A) Dendral
B) Generator
C) Plateau
D) None of the above
Answer: (A) Dendral performs structure elucidation in organic chemistry based on data from a mass spectrometer.

8. ___ is a variant of generate-and-test in which feedback from the test procedure is used to help the generator decide which direction to move in the search space.
B) Hill climbing
C) Annealing
D) Open
Answer: (B) Hill climbing is a variant of generate-and-test in which feedback from the test procedure helps the generator decide its search direction.

9. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the newest disciplines, formally initiated in ___ when the name was coined.
A) 1956
B) 1947
C) 1988
D) 1990
Answer: (A) Artificial Intelligence (AI) was formally initiated in 1956 when the name was coined.

10. ___ is the capability to manipulate the knowledge represented to produce fresh knowledge corresponding to that inferred from the original.
A) Inferential Efficiency
B) Acquisition Efficiency
C) Inferential Adequacy
D) Acquired Efficiency
Answer: (C) Inferential adequacy

11. ___ is the symbolic representation of aspects of some named universe of discourse.
A) Knowledge
B) Objects
C) Power
D) Prolog
Answer: (A) Knowledge is the symbolic representation of aspects of some named universe of discourse.

12. The collection of long-term knowledge is often called a ___.
A) knowledge Value
B) knowledge base
C) knowledge Pillar
D) None of the above
Answer: (B) A knowledge base in AI is a collection of information or facts that an intelligent system uses to reason, make decisions, and solve problems.

13. FOPL stands for
A) First Order Past Logic
B) Fast Order Pre Logic
C) First Order Predicate Logic
D) First Order Predicate Level
Answer: (C) FOPL stands for First Order Predicate Logic.

14. ___ is the process of removing existential quantifiers by elimination.
A) Resolution
B) Skolemization
C) Function
D) None of the above
Answer: (B) Skolemization is the process of removing existential quantifiers by elimination.

15. ___is the earlier expert system.
Answer: (C) MYCIN is the earlier expert system.

16. A ___ is a collection of attributes or slots and associated values that describe some real-world entity.
A) frame
B) net
C) reification
D) None of the above
Answer: (A) In the context of AI, a “frame” refers to a data structure used to represent knowledge or information.

17. ___ networks are an alternative to predicate logic as a form of knowledge representation.
A) meta
B) node
C) Semantic
D) None of the above
Answer: (C) Semantic networks in AI are a form of knowledge representation that uses nodes and edges to represent concepts and their relationships, facilitating the understanding and processing of information.

18. Which of the following is a correct disadvantage of the frame?
A) It is possible to quantify over slots
B) It is not possible to quantify over properties
C) It is not possible to quantify over slots
D) Slot fillers must not be “real” data.
Answer: (C) The correct disadvantage of the frame is that it is not possible to quantify over slots.

19. CD is a content theory of how to represent simple sentences since it was created by ___.
A) Roger Schank
B) Robert
C) Daniel
D) Miechal
Answer: (A) The CD is a content theory representing simple sentences created by Roger Schank.

20. A ___ is a structure that prescribes a set of circumstances that could be expected to follow from one another.
A) move
B) primitive
C) script
D) None of the above
Answer: (C) In AI, a script refers to a predefined sequence of events or actions representing specific knowledge about a particular situation or scenario.

21. Many states, such as HEALTH, have VALUES that range from ___.
A) -1 to 10
B) -10 to 100
C) -10 to 10
D) 0 to 40
Answer: (C) Many states, such as HEALTH, have VALUES that range from -10 to 10.

22. ___ is an Expert system for recommending medical screening tests.
A) FTD Wizard
B) STD Wizbird
C) STD Wizard
D) None of the above
Answer: (C) STD Wizard is an expert system for recommending medical screening tests related to sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

23. The acceptability of an expert system depends significantly on the quality of the ___.
A) user workload
B) user interface
C) user ability
D) user dress
Answer: (B) User interface refers to the visual or interactive components through which users interact with a computer system or software application.

24. The most essential ingredient in any expert system is ___.
A) Knowledge
B) Rules
C) Interface
D) Goal
Answer: (A) Knowledge is essential in any expert system, providing the expertise and information required for intelligent decision-making and problem-solving.

25. The ___ is the AI language and representation expert.
A) civil engineer
B) meta dendral
C) Knowledge engineer
D) None of the above
Answer: (C) The knowledge engineer is the expert responsible for the language and representation of knowledge in Artificial Intelligence.

26. MYCIN operated using a reasonably simple inference engine and a knowledge base of about ___ rules.
A) 900
B) 600
C) 100
D) 200
Answer: (B) MYCIN operated using a reasonably simple inference engine & a knowledge base of about 600 rules, which helped it make medical diagnoses and recommend treatments.

27. The first essential component of knowledge engineering is a large ___.
A) heuristic dendral
B) generator
C) knowledge base
D) Special Knowledge
Answer: (C) A knowledge base is a central repository of information and knowledge used by an artificial intelligence system or other software applications.

28. ___ is a key necessity for learning.
A) Memorisation
B) Representation
C) Generalisation
D) Activity
Answer: (C) Generalization in AI is applying learned knowledge to new, unseen situations or examples.

29. ___ is a system that uses production rules to represent its knowledge.
Answer: (A) SOAR is a cognitive architecture and software framework designed to build intelligent systems with problem-solving, learning, and decision-making capabilities.

30. ___ learning involves the process of learning by example.
A) Chunking
B) Explanation
C) Inductive
D) Analogy
Answer: (C) Inductive is a reasoning process in which general conclusions or principles are derived from specific examples or observations. It involves inferring patterns or generalizations based on particular instances or data.

31. ___ are the perceptual interface between robots and their environment.
A) Printers
B) Hard disks
C) Converters
D) None of the above
Answer: (D) Because Sensors are the perceptual interface between robots and their environment, sensors are devices or components that enable robots to gather information about their surroundings, such as detecting objects, measuring distances, perceiving light, capturing images, or sensing temperature.

32. ___ is the science & technology of robots and their design, manufacture, and application.
A) Roborology
B) Robodynamics
C) Robotics
D) Robo
Answer: (C) Robotics encompasses various aspects of engineering, computer science, and other disciplines to create robots that can perform tasks autonomously or with human guidance.

33. RIA stands for
A) Robotics Institute of Australia
B) Robotics International America
C) Robotics Inventors Association
D) Robotics Institute of America
Answer: (D) RIA stands for Robotics Institute of America. The Robotics Institute of America is focused on robotics research, development, and promotion.

34. ___ is a general-purpose language associated with artificial intelligence and computational linguistics.
A) Fortran
B) Visual Basics
C) Assembler
D) Prolog
Answer: (D) Prolog is a programming language commonly used in artificial intelligence and computational linguistics for logic-based problem-solving and knowledge representation.

35. ___ is the fundamental data structure in Prolog.
A) Track
B) Predicate
C) Term
D) Trick
Answer: (C) In Prolog, a term is the fundamental data structure used to represent objects, expressions, and predicates. It is the basic unit of information and manipulation in Prolog programming.

36. The algorithm for the Prolog’s matching process is based on the ___ algorithm proposed for automated theorem proving.
A) modification
B) Running
C) multification
D) unification
Answer: (D) The algorithm used in Prolog’s matching process is based on the unification algorithm proposed for automated theorem proving. Unification is a fundamental operation in Prolog that allows variables to be bound to values, making it possible to match patterns and derive solutions in logical queries.

37. Propositional logic deals with determining the ___ of the sentence.
A) Syntax
B) Truth
C) Semanties
D) Logic
Answer: (B) Propositional logic is concerned with determining the truth value of a sentence or statement. It focuses on analyzing and evaluating the logical relationships between propositions, which are statements that can be either true or false.

38. ___ was the first expert shell developed from MYCIN.
B) Drools
C) Dendral
D) MQL 4
Answer: (A) EMYCIN was the first expert system shell derived from the original MYCIN system.

39. A formula is ___ if it is true under some interpretation.
A) Valid
B) Invalid
C) Consistent
D) Complete
Answer: (B) A formula is considered invalid if an interpretation under which it is true exists.

40. The name Prolog is short for ___
A) PROduction LOGic
B) PROpositional LOGic
C) PROgramming in LOGic
D) PROcedural LOGic
Answer: (C) The term “Prolog” is derived from “PROgramming in LOGic,” indicating its basis in logic-based programming.

41. Which of the following statements is true?
i) Artificial Intelligence is the area of Electrical focusing on creating machines that can engage in behaviors that humans consider intelligent.
ii) AI is the part of computer science concerned with designing intelligent computer systems.
iii) AI is the study and creation of conventional computer systems.
iv) AI emerged as a separate field of study during the 1940s and 1950s when the computer became a commercial reality.
A) i and iii
B) i, ii, and iii
C) ii and iv
D) ii and iii
Answer: (C) ii and iv.

42. Which of the following statements is true?
1. Production systems may vary on the expressive power of conditions in production rules.
2. Rule interpreters generally execute backward chaining.
3. The actions of productions are manipulations of working memory.
4. OPS8 may be viewed as a full-fledged programming language for production system programming.
A) 1 and 3
B) 1,2 and 4
C) 2 and 4
D) 2 and 3
Answer: (A) 1 and 3

43. The ___ ANNEALING algorithm is based upon the physical process in metallurgy, where metals are heated to ___ temperatures and then cooled.
C) SIMULATED, moderate
D) SIMULATED, very low
Answer: (B) “SIMULATED” and “high” are two separate words in English. “SIMULATED” refers to something imitated or reproduced in a simulated manner, while “high” typically denotes a position or state that is elevated or above average.

44. The simplest way of storing facts is to use a ___ method where each truth about a set of ___ is set out systematically in columns.
A) rational objects
B) rational tables
C) relational tables
D) relational objects
Answer: (D) Relational objects are the simplest way of storing facts, where each truth about a set of rational objects is set out systematically in columns.

45. ___ is a syntactic inference procedure that determines if the set is unsatisfiable when applied to a set of ___.
A) Resolution, clauses
B) Logic, clauses
C) Logic, clauses
D) Interpretation, semantics
Answer: (A) Resolution is a syntactic inference procedure that determines if the set is unsatisfiable when applied to a set of clauses.

46. The ___ associated with slots provide an excellent way to associate knowledge with a class of ___
A) procedures, networks
B) properties, objects
C) procedures, objects
D) principles, networks
Answer: (C) Procedures associated with slots provide an excellent way to associate knowledge with a class of objects.

47. ___ refers to the construction of a mental concept, and it frequently uses ___ as an instrumental action.
Answer: (C) MBUILD and ATTEND are used for the construction of a mental concept, and they frequently use MBUILD as an instrumental action.

48. Which of the following are correct as applied to the Architectural Principles for Expert Systems?
i. Keep inference engine complex
ii. Knowledge is power
iii. Expert systems need to be transparent
iv. Expert systems should not be flexible
A) i and iii
B) I, ii, and iii
C) ii and iv
D) ii and iii
Answer: (D) Expert systems need to be transparent and should not be flexible.

49. Which of the following statements is true?
i) Expert systems are expensive to develop.
ii) Meta Dendral is a performance system, and Heuristic-Dendral is a learning system.
iii) MYCIN selects drugs only based on the identity of offending organisms.
iv) The Dendral team recruited Carl Djerassi to refine Feigenbaum’s Lisp program.
A) i and iv
B) i and iii
C) ii and iv
D) ii and iii
Answer: (B) i and iii. (Expert systems are expensive to develop, and MYCIN selects drugs only based on the identity of offending organisms).

50. Which are two methods of analogical problem methods studied in AI?
A) Transformational Analogy and parallel analogy
B) Direct analogy and parallel analogy
C) Derivational Analogy and Direct analogy
D) Transformational Analogy and Derivational Analogy
Answer: (D) Transformational Analogy and Derivational Analogy are two methods of analogical problem-solving studied in AI.

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Conclusion Points

Artificial Intelligence MCQ Question Bank with Answers is a beneficial tool for anyone looking to enhance their knowledge of AI. It provides an easy and cost-effective way to access hundreds of questions and answers about AI, helping users learn more about the subject.

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