Advanced Web Programming MCQ with answers pdf

Advanced Web Programming MCQ with answers pdf

ASP – Advanced Web Programming MCQ with answers pdf. Advanced web designing class 12 MCQs.

Are you looking to gain a better understanding of advanced web programming? If so, then you’ve come to the right place.

This article will provide you with a comprehensive list of MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) related to the topic of advanced web programming and the answers to each MCQ in a PDF format.

You will be able to assess and enhance your knowledge on topics related to HTML, JavaScript, Python and other relevant aspects.

Advanced Web Programming MCQ

Advanced Web Programming MCQs

1) Is the process of executing code on the basis of the actions that occur in an application?
a) Event-driven programming
b) Procedural programming
c) Object-oriented programming
d) None
Ans. a
Answer: (a) Maximum employee turnover ratio

2) Are actions that occur as a result of something the user does?
a) Function
b) Procedure
c) Event
d) None
Ans. c
Answer: (c) Maximum employee turnover ratio

3) Applications are loose collections of ___, which can be called in any sequence, as desired by the user
a) Subroutines
b) Functions
c) Both a and b
d) None of these
Answer: (c) Maximum employee turnover ratio

4) ___ object has properties for the name and version of the browser being used, for the MIME types supported by the client and for the plug-ins installed on the client.
a) Window
b) Document
c) Location
d) Navigator
Answer: (d) Maximum employee turnover ratio

5) ___ Object is the top-level object. Its properties apply to the entire window.
a) Window
b) Document
c) Location
d) Navigator
Answer: (a) Maximum employee turnover ratio

6) ___ object contains properties based on the content of the document, such as title, background color, links and forms.
a) Window
b) Document
c) Location
d) Navigator
Answer: (b) Maximum employee turnover ratio

7) Object contains properties representing URLs the client has previously requested.
a) History
b) Document
c) Location
d) Window
Answer: (a) Maximum employee turnover ratio

8) Every object has at least two properties and ___.
a) ID, Name
b) Name, Value
c) ID, Value
d) Type, Text
Answer: (b) Maximum employee turnover ratio

9) ___ was used to collect and display information from and to the user.
a) List Box
b) Text Area
c) Combo Box
d) Text Box
Answer: (d) Maximum employee turnover ratio

10) ___ used to present a message to the user and trap the user’s response.
a) Input Box
b) Message Box
c) Both
d) None
Answer: (b) Maximum employee turnover ratio

11) Display a prompt in a dialog box, waits for the user to input text or click a button, and returns the contents of the text box.
a) Input Box
b) Message Box
c) Both
d) None
Answer: (a) Maximum employee turnover ratio

12) is the numeric expression that specifies, in twips, the vertical distance of the upper edge of the dialog box from the top of the screen.
a) Xpos
b) Ypos
c) Vpos
d) Hpos
Answer: (b) Maximum employee turnover ratio

15. The process of executing on the basis of the actions that occur in an application is called.
a) Procedural programming
b) Object-oriented programming
c) Event-driven programming
d) None
Answer: (c) Maximum employee turnover ratio

13) The box returns a null if a user cancels it.
a) message
b) input
c) Both a and b
d) None of these
Answer: (a) Maximum employee turnover ratio

14) The ___ control prompts the user to input textual information.
a) msgbox
b) inputbox
c) Both a and b
d) None of these
Answer: (b) Maximum employee turnover ratio

15) A browser uses the ___ protocol to request an HTML file from a Web server.
a) FTP
d) All of the above
Answer: (b) Maximum employee turnover ratio

16) CGI stands for ___
a) Common Gateway Interface
b) Class Gateway interface
c) Common Gateway Interconnection
d) None of the above
Answer: (a) Maximum employee turnover ratio

17) ISAPI stands for ___.
a) Internet Service Application Programming Interface
b) Internet Server Application Programming Interconnection
c) Internet Server Application Programming Interface
d) None of these
Answer: (b) Maximum employee turnover ratio

18) CGI, ISAPI and others can be used to add ___ content to the Web.
a) Static
b) Dynamic
c) Both a and b
d) None of these
Answer: (b) Maximum employee turnover ratio

19) ASP was born in November ___ when Microsoft announced its design of an Active Platform.
a) 1994
b) 1995
c) 1996
d) 1997
Answer: (c) Maximum employee turnover ratio

20) The Active Desktop refers to the ___, where HTML files are displayed on a web browser.
a) Server Side
b) Client Side
c) Both a and b
d) None of these
Answer: (b) Maximum employee turnover ratio

21) ASP as a ___ scripting environment that you can use to create and run dynamic, interactive, high-performance Web Server applications.
a) Client side
b) Server side
c) Both a and b
d) None of these
Answer: (b) Maximum employee turnover ratio

22) ASP files combine ___ to enable a much higher degree of interactivity than is possible with plain vanilla HTML.
b) Scripts
c) ASP Code
d) All of these
Answer: (d) Maximum employee turnover ratio

23) ___ is the default scripting language that is used for primary scripting.
a) JavaScript
b) VBScript
c) Jscript
d) All of the above
Answer: (b) Maximum employee turnover ratio

24) A ___ is a named sequence of commands and statements that acts as a unit.
a) Procedure
b) Function
c) Subroutine
d) None
Answer: (a) Maximum employee turnover ratio

25) ___ that sends a value to a browser is an output expression, such as the value of a variable, to a browser.
a) Information
b) Instruction
c) Expression
d) None of these
Answer: (b) Maximum employee turnover ratio

26) Active Server Pages makes it possible to set any scripting language that is used for primary scripting language.
a) True
b) False
Answer: (a) Maximum employee turnover ratio

27) The Flush method of the Request object displays the Buffer contents and continues with the processing of the rest of the page.
a) True
b) False
Answer: (a) Maximum employee turnover ratio

28) The PATH TRANSLATED server variable contains the IP address of the previous page from which the user has arrived to the current page.
a) True
b) False
Answer: (b) Maximum employee turnover ratio

29) By default the server sided scripts execute for ___ seconds.
a) 80
b) 87
c) 67
d) 90
Answer: (d) Maximum employee turnover ratio

30) The object used to get information from the user is s___.
a) Response
b) Request
c) Redirect
d) None of these
Answer: (b) Maximum employee turnover ratio

31) The collection of the object is used to extract the contents of an HTML form is ___.
a) Control
b) Form
c) Method
d) Type
Answer: (b) Maximum employee turnover ratio

32) ___ are used to exchange bits of information between different Web pages.
a) Query Strings
b) Cookies
c) View states
d) All of the above
Answer: (d) Maximum employee turnover ratio

33) The plus symbol (+) is used to link name-value pairs in a query string.
a) True
b) False
Answer: (b) Maximum employee turnover ratio

34) Users can pass a query string to the server by typing it directly in the address bar of the browser window.
a) True
b) False
Answer: (a) Maximum employee turnover ratio

35) A query string includes ___ character in the URL string.
a) /
b) *
c) @
d) ?
Answer: (d) Maximum employee turnover ratio

36) ___ refers to the time duration during which a specific user is connected to a particular Web site.
a) Application
b) Session
c) Cookies
d) None of these
Answer: (b) Maximum employee turnover ratio

37) ___ begin when the user connects to the site and ends after he leaves the site.
a) Application
b) Session
c) Cookies
d) None of these
Answer: (b) Maximum employee turnover ratio

38) The property of the session object which uniquely identifies each session is ___
a) Session ID
b) Session Name
c) User ID
d) None of These
Answer: (a) Maximum employee turnover ratio

39) The session ___ on Start script must be located in the file___
a) Global.asp
b) Global.aspx
c) Global.asa
d) Global.cs
Answer: (c) Maximum employee turnover ratio

40) ADO includes the several key features, such as ___.
a) Support for server side stored procedures.
b) Support for queries that return multiple record sets.
c) Support for batch updating
d) All of these
Answer: (d) Maximum employee turnover ratio

41) You can use ___ object to connect to a data source such as SQL Server, Oracle or Access or even Microsoft Excel spreadsheets.
a) Recordset
b) Field
c) Connection
d) Command
Answer: (c) Maximum employee turnover ratio

42) You can use ___ object to insert, modify or delete records in a database table.
a) Recordset
b) Field
c) Connection
d) Command
Answer: (a) Maximum employee turnover ratio

43) It can be used to access column-level data. You can access ___ object only from Recordset object.
a) Recordset
b) Field
c) Connection
d) Command
Answer: (b) Maximum employee turnover ratio

44) You can use ___ this object to specify the name, value, attribute, direction, precision, scale, size, and type of a parameter.
a) Recordset
b) Field
c) Connection
d) Parameter
Answer: (d) Maximum employee turnover ratio

45) Using the ___ method of Server object can create an object instance.
a) CreateOject
b) CreateMethod
c) CreateField
d) CreateClass
Answer: (a) Maximum employee turnover ratio

46) A transaction is a set of ___ SQL statements that will be executed as a group.
a) One
b) Two
c) One or More
d) None of these
Answer: (c) Maximum employee turnover ratio

47) The ___ method creates the Recordset object instance, to store the recordset returned by the Select statement.
a) Execute
b) Update
c) Insert
d) Delete
Answer: (a) Maximum employee turnover ratio

48) The default type of cursor is the ___ type of cursor.
a) Static
b) KeySet
c) Dynamic
d) Forward-only
Answer: (d) Maximum employee turnover ratio

49) 14. The two basic types of dialog boxes are ___ and ___.
a) Command Dialog Box and File Dialog Box
b) InputBox and OutputBox
c) InputBox and MsgBox
d) None of these
Answer: (c) Maximum employee turnover ratio

50) The active platform reflects Microsoft’s ideas about how a desktop computer and a server computer should communicate. It consists of two parts ___ and ___.
a) Active Server, Active Desktop
b) Active Server, Active client
c) Active environment, Active Desktop
d) None of these
Answer: (a) Maximum employee turnover ratio


The advanced web programming MCQ with answers pdf is an invaluable tool for those studying to become proficient in web programming.

It provides a comprehensive overview of the various concepts and technologies related to web programming, as well as tests and exercises to help solidify one’s knowledge.

This resource is invaluable in helping web programmers learn more effectively and gain a thorough understanding of advanced topics. Thanks for reading Advanced web designing class 12 MCQ.

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