Quality Control and Quality Assurance MCQ with Answers

Quality Control and Quality Assurance MCQ with Answers

Quality Control and Quality Assurance MCQ with Answers pdf. Total Quality Management Multiple Choice Questions and Answers pdf. MCQ on TQM.

With these MCQs, you will have the opportunity to practice and assess your understanding of important concepts in Quality Control and Quality Assurance.

Quality Control and Quality Assurance MCQ with Answers

Quality Control and Quality Assurance MCQs

1. QMS, TQM, and QIP all corresponds to –
a. Quality techniques
b. Quality abbreviations
c. Quality parameters
d. None of the above

Answer: (b)

2. QIP stands for –
a. Quality improvement program
b. Quality imparts process
c. Quality import procedure
d. None of the above

Answer: (a)

3. Quality improvement program focuses on –
a. Procedure
b. Process and organization structure
c. Research and responsibilities
d. All are true

Answer: (d)

4. Quality management is a method for –
a. Design
b. Testing
c. System
d. Logic

Answer: (a)

5. The ___ quality measure “inspection of the user interface”.
a. Static analytical
b. Dynamic analytical
c. ISO
d. SEI

Answer: (d)

6. ___ of an entity that bears on its ability to satisfy stated and implied need.
a. Static analysis
b. Quality management
c. The totality of characteristics
d. SEI

Answer: (b)

7. SCQ stands for –
a. Source code quality
b. Source criteria quality
c. Specific criteria quality
d. None of the above

Answer: (a)

8. Software reliability determine for –
a. Quality
b. Integrity
c. Low complexity
d. Logic

Answer: (a)

9. Goal of reliability –
a. Software quality
b. S/W application
c. Infiltration
d. None of the above

Answer: (a)

10. Which are not S/W quality factors?
a. Understandability
b. Completeness
c. Conciseness
d. Portability

Answer: (c)

11. Design define –
a. Modules
b. Hierarchy
c. Architecture
d. Components

Answer: (c)

12. Quality schemes are considered under –
a. Cost
b. Timeliness and maintainability
c. Reliability and functionality
d. All are true

Answer: (d)

13. A review focus on –
a. Agenda and discussion
b. All are true
c. Preparation and aspect
d. Resources, attendance, and review records

Answer: (b)

14. Testing is applicable throughout the –
a. Design
b. Development
c. Maintenance
d. All are true

Answer: (d)

15. For convenient and practicable S/W –
a. Curability
b. Testability
c. Source
d. None of the above

Answer: (a)

16. Major changes to the S/W process start for –
a. Top
b. Breadth
c. Middle
d. Bottom

Answer: (a)

17. Software quality assurance activities are planned, having standards and requirements are verified.
a. True
b. False

Answer: (a)

18. The purpose of S/W quality assurance is to monitor the S/W process used on the project.
a. True
b. False

Answer: (a)

19. S.P.A stands for –
a. Software process assessment
b. Software procedure access
c. Software prompt action
d. Software process advance

Answer: (a)

20. Quality systems-production installation and servicing comes under –
a. ISO 9000
b. ISO 9001
c. ISO 9004
d. ISO 9003

Answer: (b)

21. CMM stands for –
a. Capability maturity model
b. Capability management model
c. Calibre measuring mode
d. Capability measuring model

Answer: (a)

22. EFQM stands for –
a. European foundation for quality management
b. Efficiency founder for quality manager
c. Efficiency fundamental for quality margin
d. European founder for quality management

Answer: (a)

23. ISO is responsible for the creation of –
a. QMS
b. QMB
c. QMR
d. QMP

Answer: (a)

24. ISO is an abbreviation for –
a. Indian standard organization
b. International standard organization
c. International organization for standardization
d. Internet standard organization

Answer: (c)

25. Level 2 focus on –
a. Requirement management
b. Software project planning
c. Software configuration
d. All of the above

Answer: (d)

26. IPM stands for –
a. Internet project manager
b. Intranet project manager
c. Integrated project management
d. Integration process management

Answer: (c)

27. Beneficial element of CMM levels 2 and 3.
a. Software specification
b. Technical specification
c. Peer review of code
d. Version control
e. All of the above

Answer: (e)

28. Quality of conformance is the degree to which for –
a. Design specifications
b. Manufacturing
c. Intuitive
d. Implementation

Answer: (a)

29. External failure costs are associated with –
a. Defects
b. Repair
c. Initial
d. Quality

Answer: (a)

30. Quality metrics cover levels are –
a. Mean time to failure
b. Defect density
c. Customer problems
d. All of the above

Answer: (d)

31. MTTI stands for –
a. Maximum time to failure
b. Minimum time to failure
c. Minimum time to false
d. None of the above

Answer: (a)

32. Defect density metric used for –
a. Finding defects
b. Application
c. Software
d. Frames

Answer: (a)

33. LOC stands for –
a. Lines of code
b. Line of control
c. Logic code
d. Logic of control

Answer: (a)

34. Function points used in –
a. Metric
b. Software measurement
c. Logic
d. Code

Answer: (b)

35. Early defect removed from the S/W by doing –
a. S/W product engineering
b. Peer review
c. Training program
d. Cost

Answer: (b)

36. ___ is a workload statement for software maintenance.
a. NMI
b. BMI
c. Fix backlog
d. Delinquent fix

Answer: (c)

37. Principle of quality.
a. Prevent defects
b. Ensure that defect defects
c. Eliminate the courses as well as the symptoms of the defects
d. Functional metrics to monitor requirement growth, since metrics are normally

Answer: (d)

38. The ISO 91000 series is based on principle.
a. Fitness response
b. Right, first-time
c. Both a & b
d. None of the above

Answer: (c)

39. SCM is not described in CMM.
a. True
b. False

Answer: (a)

40. The ability of S/W to be easily verified by execution of –
a. Testability
b. Attributes
c. Conflict
d. Modifiability

Answer: (a)

41. Software product engineering performs a well-defined engineering process that integrates al S/W engineering activities to produce.
a. Correct
b. Consistent
c. Efficient products
d. All are true

Answer: (d)

42. A quantitative understanding of both the S/W process and S/W work product being built and described in.
a. Level 1
b. Level 2
c. Level 3
d. Level 4

Answer: (d)

43. Quantitative process, management S/W quality management focus on.
a. Continuous improvement
b. Quality goals
c. Quantitative analysis
d. None of the above

Answer: (c)

44. Level 5KPA covers the issue that both the organization and the project must address to implement continuous and measurable S/W process improvement.
a. True
b. False
c. Can’t predict
d. None of the above

Answer: (a)

45. DP, TM and PC comes under –
a. Level 2
b. Level 3
c. Level 4
d. Level 5

Answer: (d)

46. World-class business places a ___ emphasis on quality.
a. Quality
b. Strategic
c. Goal
d. Objective

Answer: (b)

47. Quality system-model for quality assurance in design development production installation and servicing comes under.
a. ISO 9000
b. ISO 9003
c. ISO 9004
d. ISO 9001

Answer: (d)

48. CMM appraisal & ISO 9001 certification considers.
a. Reliability
b. Consistency
c. Assessments
d. All are true

Answer: (d)

49. In the CMM configuration management KPA concentrate on –
a. Procedures
b. Standard
c. All are true
d. Document

Answer: (c)

50. ISO 9000-1 require procedures for –
a. Handling
b. All are true
c. Storage
d. Packaging and delivery

Answer: (b)

More MCQs on Quality-Management


Quality Control and Quality Assurance MCQs are an excellent way to assess one’s understanding of the concepts involved in this important topic. Those who prepare for such exams can rest assured that they will be better equipped to detect and prevent defects in products, services, and processes.

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