Human Computer Interface Tutorials Point for academic exams

Human Computer Interface Tutorials Point for academic exams

Are you looking for a comprehensive set of 50 MCQ on Human Computer Interface (HCI) with answers? If so, you have come to the right place.

This article outlines a selection of MCQs to help test your knowledge and understanding of HCI topics, as well as providing a downloadable PDF file containing the MCQs with answers.

The questions cover a range of related topics such as user experience design, interface design, ergonomics and usability testing.

Human Computer Interface Tutorials Point

50 MCQ on Human Computer Interface with Answer

1. The ___ is a place where interaction between humans and machines occurs.
Ans. user interface

2. When applied to computer software, User Interface Design is also known as .
Ans. Human-Computer Interaction or HCI

3. What are the other terms for user interface?
Ans. Human-computer interface (HCI) and man-machine interface (MMI)

4. The user interface includes __ and __ components.
Ans. Hardware, Software

5. Which of the following is a Benefit of good user interface?
a) Gaining market share
b) Improving productivity
c) Lowering support costs
d) Reduce Computing capability
Ans. d) reduce computing capability.

6. The importance of good user interface design can be the difference between ___ and__ in the marketplace.
Ans. Product acceptance, rejection

7. Which are the three parts of HCI? ___.
Ans. Productivity applications, such as text editors and spreadsheets, and interactive computer games

8. List some personal software. ___.
Ans. The user, the computer and the ways they work together.

9. The original and abiding technical focus of HCI is on the concept of __.
Ans. Usability

10. The three commonly recognized user interfaces in use today are : ___, &___.
Ans. Graphical user interface, voice user interface & multimodal interface

11. The main elements of voice user interface are : ___, __ & ___
Ans. Prompts, Grammars & Dialog logic

12. __ was most responsible for the development of the graphical user interface.
Ans. Bob Taylor

13. The GUI also helped to develop a whole new industry for publishers and designers (True/False)
Ans. True

14. In which year Unix-based GUIs were introduced?
Ans. 1989

15. Direct manipulation is a human-computer interaction style that was defined by .
Ans. Ben Shneiderman

16. Direct manipulation concepts can be applied to interfaces for blind or vision-impaired users, using a combination of tactile and sonic devices and software. (True/False)
Ans. True

17. Video games is an example for direct manipulation. (True/False)
Ans. True

18. What is the basic goal of GUI?
Ans. The basic goal is to make the interface user friendly while completing the required function.

19. Model-Based Generation is one of the tool in GUI (True/False)
Ans. True

20. The idea for a graphical user interface (GUI) was first developed by .
Ans. Alan Kay

21. Which of the following is NOT the advantage of graphical system?
a. Faster learning
b. Faster use and problem solving
c. Easier remembering
d. Replace national languages
Ans. d) Replace national languages

22. One of the limitations in Graphical systems is the Hardware requirement. (True/False)
Ans. True

23. Graphical user interface Applications must reflect the perspectives and behaviors of their users. (True/False).
Ans. True

24. Good GUIs use consistent behavior throughout the application and build upon a user’s prior knowledge of other successful applications.
(True/ False).
Ans. True

25. GUI does not require Keyboard accelerators as it is not an efficient way for users to access specific menu items or controls in a window. (True/ False).
Ans. False

26. What are the components of Cyberspace?__
Ans. data, computers, networks, and multimedia

27. has made it possible for individuals with appropriate computer and telecommunications equipment to interact as never before.
Ans. World Wide Web

28. HCI concerns the selection of the most appropriate ___ and __ for a particular interface or task.
Ans. Input device, output device

29. ___ discipline is necessary in HCI to understand the wider context of the interaction.
Ans. Sociology

30. What is the greatest challenge for software designer in Human computer interface?
Ans. Understanding what a user requires from a product.

31. Reading speed can be substantially increased by using _
Ans. Rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP)

32. People comfortably can hear words that are spoken at from ___ to words per minute.
Ans. 150 to 160

33. Which are the basic Business requirements analysis methods? __.
Ans. Direct methods
Indirect methods
Requirements collection guidelines

34. Name any two DIRECT METHODS of requirement analysis. __.
Ans. Observational Field Study
User-Interface Prototyping

35. Define accessibility. ___
Ans. Accessibility refers to the degree to which software can be used comfortably by a wide variety of people.

36. Name some personal assistive technologies for vision impaired people. _
Ans. Voice User Interfaces, voice synthesizers and text readers, and tactile feedback devices

37.  ___ & ___ pointed out the contribution of HCI to the current study of information processing in psychology.
Ans. Card, Moran & Newell

38. Human-computer interface design is evaluated using _ and _.
Ans. controlled observation, testing

39. __ allows the user to enter instructions via the keyboard.
Ans. Command languages

40. The design of the human-computer interface requires __ approach.
Ans. multidisciplinary

41. Screen designing is the design that is intended for ___
Ans. Digital computer screens

42. Name some important typographical elements that are used as part of the design of screens. __.
Ans. Line length, character (screen) density, font selectionand Color

43. Name the basic design considerations: in screen design. .
Ans. Layout, Data Entry and Support:

44. Concrete concepts are stored as whereas abstract concepts are stored as __ representations.
Ans. Images, verbal

45. In ___ and ___ great attention is paid to the navigation interface.
Ans. Multimedia, web design

46. can be very useful when designing navigation aids, but they also have their pitfalls.
Ans. Icons

47. An effective MMI empowers the users by minimizing the scan time requiredto assimilate the information needed to do a task. (True/False)
Ans. True

48. The most common form of color blindness is the inability to distinguish between and colours
Ans. red, green

49. In typography, the space between the letters is called .
Ans. The counter

50. _ can pose particular problems for deaf users and those with a cognitive impairment.
Ans. VUIs

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The MCQ on Human Computer Interface with Answer download in PDF is a great resource for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of this important subject.

It has clearly outlined questions and answers that make it easy to find the information you need. The PDF format allows users to quickly download, print and study the material as they wish.

By taking advantage of this resource, readers can gain a more comprehensive understanding of human computer interface principles and applications.

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