Relational Database Management System MCQ with Answer

Relational Database Management System MCQ with Answer

Relational database management system MCQ questions with answers. RDBMS MCQ questions and answers pdf. RDBMS & MySQL Test Papers for the preparation of academic and competitive exams.

This article will provide a comprehensive list of MCQs related to Relational Database Management System, along with their relevant answers. With this collection, readers can not only assess their current understanding of RDBMS concepts but also gain additional insight into the subject matter.

Relational Database Management System MCQ with Answer

Relational database management system MCQs

Q1. Duplication of data is known as ___
a. Consistency
b. Redundancy
c. Accuracy
d. Reliability

Answer: (b)

Q2. ___ refers to the protection of data against accidental or intentional disclosure to unauthorized persons, unauthorized modifications, or destruction.
a. Consistency
b. Data Security
c. Accuracy
d. Reliability

Answer: (b)

Q3. Databases can control data consistency to a large extent
a. true
b. false

Answer: (a)

Q4. By ___ databases, we mean the unification of several otherwise distinct data files with any redundancy among those files partially or wholly eliminated
a. Consistent
b. Duplicate
c. Integrated
d. none of the above

Answer: (c)

Q5. A database is implemented through three general levels: internal, ___, and external so as to cater to the needs of its user.
a. physical
b. logical
c. conceptual
d. all of the above

Answer: (c)

Q6. A record is not a collection of fields, each of which contains only one data value
a. True
b. false

Answer: (b)

Q7. The inserting of removing records involve ___ operations
a. Connect
b. Disconnect
c. Reconnect
d. all of the above

Answer: (d)

Q8. In the Network model, the data is represented by collections of records, and relationships among data are represented by links.
a. correct statements
b. Incorrect statements

Answer: (a)

Q9. The Relational model was propounded by ___ of IBM.
a. E. John
b. Dennis Ritchie
c. E.F. Codd
d. Robert Lafore

Answer: (c)

Q10. A ___ is a virtual table that does not really exist in its own right but is instead derived from one or more underlying base tables.
a. table
b. Structure / Schema
c. logical vies
d. view

Answer: (d)

Q11.Within given relations, a set of one or more attributes having values that are uniquely within the relationship and thus are able to uniquely identify that tuple is said to be the ___ key of the relation.
a. foreign
b. candidate
c. primary
d. candidate

Answer: (c)

Q12. ___ is a system of rules that a DBMS uses to ensure that relationship between records in related tables are valid and that users don’t accidentally delete or change related data.
a. Referential Integrity
b. Reference Integrity
c. Differential Integrity
d. none of the above

Answer: (a)

Q13. A referential Integrity is a system of rules that a DBMS uses to ensure that relationships between records in related tables are valid and that users don’t accidentally delete or change related data.
a. True
b. False

Answer: (a)

Q14. A ___ is binary operation that allow us to combine certain selections and a Cartesian product into one operation.
a. Natural join
b. Join
c. Equi Join
d. all of the above

Answer: (a)

Qs 15. The MySQL database server is available for free under the GNU General Public License.
a. Valid Statement
b. Invalid Statement

Answer: (a)

Q16. BCNF stands for
a. Basic communicate normal form
b. Binary code normal form
c. Boyce-Codd Normal form
d. all are correct

Answer: (c)

Q17. When the table is in the first normal form then data is in two-dimensional forms.
a. correct
b. Incorrect

Answer: (a)

Q18. ___ is the decomposition of a more complex data structure into relations, this forms the basis of relational databases.
a. Normalization
b. Fragmentation
c. Segmentation
d. none of the above

Answer: (a)

Q19. Qs 15. Synonyms can be ___ or Public. ___ synonyms are the synonyms created by a user for personal use while ___ synonyms can be used by all users of a database.
a. Private. Private, Public
b. Public, Private, private
c. Public, Public, private
d. all of the above are correct

Answer: (a)

Q20. Ms-Access can function as both a front end with the forms and reports objects and as a back end with its table and query objects
a. valid statements
b. Invalid statements

Answer: (a)

Q21. A Back End refers to the ___ side
a. client
b. server
c. middle-tier
d. client-server architecture

Answer: (b)

Q22. The ___ database server is the world’s most popular open-source database.
Its architecture makes it extremely fast and easy to customize.
a. SQL
b. MySQL
c. Oracle
d. none of the above

Answer: (b)

Q23. Creating and Running MySQL statements needs ___ parts.
a. front end
b. back end
c. connection
d. all of the above

Answer: (d)

Q24. ASP stands for ___
a. Active server pages
b. Annual server pages
c. Automatic sequence period
d. Automatic serial page

Answer: (a)

Q25. XML stands for ___
a. Extensible markup language
b. Extended markup language
c. Extra Manipulation language
d. all of the above are correct

Answer: (a)

Q26. RPAD function is similar to that of LPAD. The only difference is that the specified characters are right padded.
a. True
b. False

Answer: (a)

Q27. ___ function capitalizes the initial letters of given string.
c. UPPER()
d. INSTR()

Answer: (a)

Q28. The basic difference between WHERE and HAVING clause is that where conditions are applicable on Groups of rows whereas having conditions are applicable on individual rows
a. Correct
b. Incorrect

Answer: (b)

Q29. A ___ is a query that combines rows from two or more tables.
a. Table
b. Alias
c. Join
d. all are correct

Answer: (c)

Q30. When values within a column of a table are to be compared you require a ___ join.
a. Natural
b. Self
c. Outer
d. Inner

Answer: (b)

Q31. A table is not a basic storage unit within a RDBMS.
a. valid statement
b. Invalid statement

Answer: (b)

Q32. Synonyms can be private or public.
a. Correct
b. Incorrect

Answer: (a)

Q33. ___ Synonyms are the synonyms created by a user for personal use while ___ synonyms can be used by all users of a database
a. Private, public
b. Public, Private
c. Public, Public
d. Private, Private

Answer: (a)

Q34. To ensure database integrity ___ constraints can be used.
a. Unique
b. Default
c. Primary
d. all of the above

Answer: (d)

Q35. The structure of a table can be viewed by using the command ___ in MYSQL.
a. View
b. Describe
c. Show database
d. Update

Answer: (c)

Q36. The views of the data dictionary are ___.
a. User
b. All
c. DBA
d. All are correct

Answer: (d)

Q37. A ___ is one logical unit of work consisting of one or more logically related statements.
a. Table
b. Query
c. Transaction
d. none of the above

Answer: (c)

Q38. ___ are the rights of permissions assigned to users to use some or all of Oracle’s resources.
a. Permissions
b. Interrupt
c. Privileges
d. all are correct

Answer: (c)

Q39. The ___ is a collection of tables and related views that enables you to see the inner working and structure of the Oracle database.
a. Data
b. Info
c. Data dictionary
d. none of the above

Answer: (c)

Q40. A constraint is a condition or checks applicable on a field or set of fields.
1. true
2. false

Answer: (a)

Q41. In the relational data model, the data is organized into ___. A row in a table represents a ___ among a set of values.
a. Records, attributes
b. Tables, relationship
c. Tables, tuple
d. Records, relationship

Answer: (b)

Q42. Rows of relations are generally referred to as ___ and the columns are usually referred to as ___.
a. rows, tuples
b. attributes, tuples
c. fields, attributes
d. tuples attributes

Answer: (d)

Q42. Data abstraction of a database system can be defined in terms of ___ levels, these are
a. Internal conceptual, external
b. Internal
c. Internal conceptual, external
d. None of the above

Answer: (c)

Q43. A ___ is a pool of values from which the actual values appearing in a given column are drawn. A domain is said to be ___ if elements of the domain are considered to be indivisible units
a. Domain, atomic
b. Domain, non-atomic
c. none of the above
d. both a and b are correct

Answer: (a)

Q44. A crucial feature of the relational data model is that associations between ___ are represented by data values in columns drawn from a common ___.
a. Columns, domain
b. Attributes, pool
c. Rows, domain
d. Records, cardinality

Answer: (c)

Q45. The number of tuples in relations is called the ___ of the relationship while the number of attributes in a relationship determines the ___ of a relation
a. Degree, cardinality
b. Cardinality, degree
c. virtual table, view
d. all are correct

Answer: (b)

Q46. The table in which the Foreign key attribute exists is called a ___ table and the table which defines the Primary –Key which the Foreign key of the foreign table refers to is called ___ Table
a. Detail, Master
b. Foreign, Primary
c. all are correct
d. Foreign Master

Answer: (c)

Q47. The MySQL database server is the world’s most popular ___. Its ___ makes it extremely fast and easy to customize.
a. Database, Architecture
b. Open source Database features
c. Open Source Database, Architecture
d. all of the above are correct

Answer: (c)

Q48. SUM(), MIN(), MAX() And COUNT() are the examples of ___ and SQL functions can be categorized into single row functions and ___.
a. String functions, Multiple row function
b. single-row functions, aggregate function
c. character functions, single row functions
d. Aggregate functions, multiple row functions

Answer: (d)

Q49. ___ clause is used to divide the result in groups and up to ___ fields of grouping can be specified in MYSQL.
a. Select, 7
b. Having, 10
c. Group by,10
d. Where, 3

Answer: (c)

Q50. The Data Dictionary is a collection of ___ and related ___ that enables you to see the inner working and structure of the Oracle database.
a. table, views
b. Data and information
c. none of the above
d. all of the above

Answer: (a)

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Relational Database Management System MCQ with Answer is an essential tool to help students understand the complexities of a relational database management system.

Not only is it useful for creating and managing databases, but it also provides insight into how the system works and what questions may be asked when interviewing.

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