Operations Management multiple choice questions and answers

Operations Management multiple choice questions and answers

Operations Management multiple choice questions and answers for MBA, BBA, PGDM, Mcom, BCom, MMS & other Management courses.

Operations management is an important business field that is often part of any well-rounded business curriculum.

If you are studying operations management, or need to refresh your knowledge on the subject, searching for multiple choice questions and answers can be a great way to learn and review the material. Multiple choice questions allow students to identify which areas they need to focus more on and help them prepare for tests.

Operations Management multiple choice questions and answers

Operations Management multiple choice questions and answers

Q1.Managing, manufacturing, and service operations are important ___ activities.
a. Social
b. Economic
c. Operational
d. Management

Answer: (b)

Q2. The importance of Operations mgmt both for the organizations and for ___.
a. Society
b. Manufacturing firm
c. Production manager
d. Industry

Answer: (a)

Q3. ___ is the core function of an organization.
a. Finance
b. Mgmt.
c. Operations
d. Planning

Answer: (c)

Q4. Utilizing appropriate methods for planning and control of operations in manufacturing and service organizations can result in significant productivity improvements and ___.
a. Time mgmt.
b. Cost-saving
c. Operation mgmt.
d. Inventory mgmt.

Answer: (b)

Q5. Operation mgmt deals with the production of ___.
a. Time chart
b. Planning
c. Feasibility report
d. Goods and services

Answer: (d)

Q6. The plant manager, production manager, inventory control manager, quality manager, and line supervisors are all operations managers.
a. True
b. False

Answer: (a)

Q7. ___ Processes are central to the operations system.
a. Translation
b. Transformation
c. Conversion
d. Turn-up

Answer: (b)

Q8. Operations mgmt can be defined as a non-systematic approach to address all the issues pertaining to the Transformation process that converts some inputs into output that are useful and can fetch revenue to the organization.
a. True
b. False

Answer: (b)

Q9 ___ & ___ of individual items of costs is a key to effective cost management.
a. Allocation & Measurements.
b. Re-allocate & define.
c. All of the above
d. None of the above.

Answer: (a)

Q10. Design of works systems, location planning, facilities planning, and quality improvement of the organization’s product or services comes under ___.
a. Operation mgmt
b. Management
c. Planning
d. None of the above

Answer: (a)

Q11. Forecasting, capacity planning, scheduling, managing inventories, assuring quality, motivating employees deciding where to locate facilities, etc are the ___ functions.
a. Operation
b. Management
c. Monitoring
d. All of the above

Answer: (a)

Q12. The primary task of the Operation Manager is one of the ___.
a. Controlling
b. Mgmt
c. Wealth creator
d. Risk mgmt

Answer: (c)

Q13. Operations should not lead the way in enhancing the ability to create wealth, improve productivity and raise the standard of living for all people.
a. Correct
b. Incorrect

Answer: (b)

Q14. A primary function of the operations manager is to guide the system by ___.
a. Controlling
b. Monitoring
c. Time mgmt
d. Decision making

Answer: (d)

Q15. In 1785 the Steam Engine was commercially manufactured by ___
a. Henry H. Gantt.
b. Elton Mayo
c. Henry Ford
d. James Watt

Answer: (d)

Q16. The industrial revolution began in 1770 in England and spread to the rest of Europe and to the United States during the nineteenth century.
a. True
b. False

Answer: (a)

Q17. ___ was an industrial engineer who is often referred to as the father of ‘motion study.
a. Henry H. Gantt.
b. Elton Mayo
c. Frank Gilbreth
d. James Watt

Answer: (c)

Q18. OCF stands for
a. Operating control flow
b. on-going cash flow
c. Operating cash flow
d. on-line cash flow

Answer: (c)

Q19. The ROI is a fundamental measure of the efficiency with which a firm manages its assets. It answers the question: “How much profit is the firm generating from the use of its assets”.
a. True
b. False

Answer: (a)

Q20. If a ___ is present in a set of data values, then the necessary analysis involves developing an equation for it, the trend profile may be ___ or may not be so.
a. Trend, Linear
b. Technique, Linear
c. all of the above
d. None of the above.

Answer: (a)

Q21. ___ is a useful technique for assessing the extent to which the success of a preferred investment is dependent on the key assumptions.
a. Analysis
b. Sensitivity analysis
c. Comparative study
d. Designing

Answer: (b)

Q22. Break-even Analysis is also known as Cost-Volume-Profit analysis.
a. True
b. False

Answer: (a)

Q23. The point (of the level of production/sales) where the total cost equals the total Revenue is called the ___.
a. Saturation point
b. The maximum point of level
c. The minimum point of level
d. Break-even-point

Answer: (d)

Q24. Manufacturing of a variety of products is done by developing operations systems that are ___ and efficient.
a. Flexible
b. Fixed
c. Versatile
d. Time-dependent

Answer: (a)

Q25. ‘Economics of Scope’ is not an approach by which higher volumes are sought to be achieved through manufacturing a variety of products.
a. True
b. False

Answer: (b)

Q26. OCF is equal to profit after taxes, interest & dividend payments plus depreciation.
a. True
b. False

Answer: (a)

Q27. A probability distribution is a mathematical model that relates the value of the variable with the probability of occurrence of that value in the population.
a. True
b. False

Answer: (a)

Q28. The Histogram is used to describe ___.
a. Sample data
b. Reference data
c. Relative data
d. None of the above

Answer: (a)

Q29. A ___ is a collection of measurable selected data from some larger source or population.
a. Code
b. Sample
c. Data
d. All of the above

Answer: (b)

Q30. The forecasting process consists of 6-Steps.
a. True
b. False

Answer: (a)

Q31. A frequency distribution is an arrangement of the data by ___.
a. Density
b. Volume
c. Magnitude
d. None of the above

Answer: (c)

Q32. TPM stands for ___.
a. Total productive Maintenance
b. Team Productive maintenance
c. Team Periodic maintenance
d. Team productive mgmt.

Answer: (a)

Q33. Juran uses the famous Universal Breakthrough sequence to implement ___ programs.
a. Testing
b. Design
c. Quality
d. Mgmt.

Answer: (c)

Q34. Appraisal costs mean cost of
a. Inspection
b. Maintenance of records
c. Certification and segregation cost
d. All of the above

Answer: (d)

Q35. In a ___ technique, more recent values are given more weight as compared to earlier values while computing a forecast.
a. Weighted Average
b. Moving Average
c. Exponential Smoothing
d. all of the above

Answer: (a)

Q36. Next Period Forecast = Previous period forecast + Σ(Actual -Forecast) for the previous period. This formula is relatively easy to understand and use in the calculation of ___.
a. Weighted Average
b. Moving Average
c. Exponential Smoothing
d. All of the above

Answer: (c)

Q37. A Naive forecast uses a single value of a ___ series as the basis of a forecast.
a. Data
b. Time
c. Average
d. None of the above

Answer: (b)

Q38. The trend doesn’t mean a long-term upward or downward movement of data.
a. Correct Statement
b. Incorrect Statement

Answer: (b)

Q39. The ___ represents a visual display of the data in which one may more easily see three properties Shape, Location, & ___.
a. Histogram, Scatter
b. Frequency, Scatter
c. None of the above
d. a & b above

Answer: (a)

Q40. The accuracy of forecasting will be limited by the quality and quantity of data that a firm can mobilize for forecasting purposes.
a. True
b. False

Answer: (b)

Q41. Pure products and pure services are two ___ of a ___ as far as operations management is concerned.
a. Spectrum, Ends
b. Pure product & pure services
c. None of the above.
d. all of the above

Answer: (a)

Q42. Operations ___ & ___ should fulfill the needs of the business & should add competitive advantages to the firm.
a. Strategies & decisions.
b. Decision & Strategies.
c. None of the above.
d. a & b both

Answer: (a)

Q43. ___ & ___ with their very large population have emerged as the biggest markets for the future.
a. China & India.
b. India & China.
c. None of the above.

Answer: (a)

Q44. Many companies today are no more satisfied with delivering ‘acceptable quality but strive for ___ & ___
a. Perfect product & service quality
b. Perfect & service
c. None of the above

Answer: (a)

Q45. Quality can be introduced either through ___ design through superior___.
a. Product, Process.
b. Good & strategy
c. None of the above

Answer: (a)

Q46. ___ is a measure of performance of a company in terms of how effectively & ___ it is using its resources.
a. Productivity, Efficiently
b. Utilization & Productivity
c. None of the above.

Answer: (a)

Q47. Productivity can be simply defined as the ratio of ___ to ___.
a. Outputs, Inputs
b. Internal, external
c. Input, output

Answer: (a)

Q48. Mission distinctive competencies___ & ___ form the heart of operation strategy.
a. Policies & Objectives
b. Objectives, policies
c. None of the above

Answer: (b)

Q49. ___ of an investment represents the ___ on investment.
a. Opportunity cost, Return
b. Ownership cost, Return
c. None of the above

Answer: (a)

Q50. ___ period analysis has been used when new assets have been purchased with a large ___amount.
a. Payback & Capital
b. Pay return & capital
c. None of the above

Answer: (a)


Operations Management is an important area of business and these questions and answers have provided a good overview of the key concepts in this field.

It is important to understand the principles of operations management, from forecasting demand to managing resources, as it has a significant impact on the success of any business operation.

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