Human Resource Audit Multiple Choice Questions and answers

Human Resource Audit Multiple Choice Questions and answers

Human Resource Audit is an important part of today’s business landscape. As the management of human capital becomes increasingly complex, it is important to stay up-to-date on the latest rules and regulations.

If you’re looking for reliable Human Resource Audit MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) and answers, then you’re in the right place!

Human Resource Audit Multiple Choice Questions

Human Resource Audit MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) and answers

1. While conducting HR audit, it is mandatory to audit all the functions. (True/False)
Ans. False

2. Which of the following is not a training indicator?
(a) The percentage of employees promoted
(b) The procedures followed in training
(c) Frequency at which personnel training needs are analysed
(d) The criteria followed in the training programmes.
Ans. (a)

3. Planning questions in audit process should be avoided as it is wastage of time. (True/False)
Ans. False

4. and contribution of HR should be audited regularly. (Fill in the blanks)
Ans. Performance, contribution

5. An outside agency can also conduct HR audit. (True/False)
Ans. True

6. One should use the of HR information system to find out whether the HR activities comply with the law and organizational policies.
Ans. Elements

7. Which of the following is not among the options available to organisations for dealing with audit results?
(a) Use the HR audit as a blueprint or action plan for understanding HR needs.
(b) Address as many needs as possible using the organissation’s internal expertise and resources.
(c) Ignore the areas in which internal expertise and resources are not available.
(d) Distribute the report to the people concerned.
Ans. (d)

8. The audit is a prescriptive instrument. (True/False)
Ans. False

3. Audit of training suggests future improvements based on measurement of past activities. (True/False)
Ans. True

9. Training increases productivity of the employees but at the same time decreases their efficiency. (True/False)
Ans. False

10. HR audit includes audit of managerial compliance of the following except
(a) Personnel policies
(b) Operational departments
(c) Procedures
(d) Legal provisions
Ans. (b)

11. HR scorecard should be periodically re-evaluated. (True/False)
Ans. False

12. The basic nature of the scorecard helps fight against measurement systems getting too _.
Ans. Standardised

13. Which of the following is not a reason behind the designing of the HR scorecard framework?
(a) It helps in controlling cost control and value creation.
(b) It encourages flexibility and change.
(c) It measures all the indicators.
(d) It lets HR managers manage their strategic responsibilities.
Ans. (c)

14. Many leading organisations use their performance management systems as a key tool for aligning , and performance. (Fill in the blank)
Ans. Institutional, unit, employee

15. Performance management systems are key tools for aligning business goals. (True/False)
Ans. True

16. There is a set format of HR scorecard irrespective of the type of business. (True/False)
Ans. False

17. Which of the following is not a category measured by HR scorecard system? (Choose the right option)
(a) Strategic
(b) Customer
(c) Internal processes
(d) Learning and growth.
Ans. (a)

18. indicators emphasise more on the KPI. (Fill in the blanks)
Ans. Financial

19. When effectively implemented, the balanced scorecard transforms strategic planning from an academic exercise into the nerve centre of an organisation. (True/False)
Ans. True

20. Which of the following is not true with respect to the description given by Kaplan and Norton about the innovation of the balanced scorecard?
a) The balanced scorecard retains traditional financial measures.
b) Financial measures tell the story of current events.
c) In the past, investments in long-term capabilities and customer relationships were not critical for success.
d) Financial measures are inadequate.
Ans. (b)

21. Competency management can be understood as a and to work structurally on the development of employee competencies. (Fill in the blanks)
Ans. Strategy, approach

22. Competency management assists in providing management with impartial information. (True/ false)
Ans. True

23. Which of the following is not true with respect to the HR audit framework?
a) Informs prospective employees about what is expected of them
b) Informs staff of the attitudes and behaviours encouraged by the organisation.
c) Informs staff of what they can expect from their managers
d) Supports staff at some specific levels in their development
Ans. (d)

24. competency framework applies if an employee’s job does not include supervisory or management responsibilities. (Fill in the blank)
Ans. Generic

25. Behavioural indicators describe the behaviours, thought , and that contribute to superior performance. (Fill in the blanks)
Ans. Patterns, abilities, traits

26. In-basket exercises are used to develop ability to plan, organise, decide, manage and delegate. (True/ false)
Ans. False

27. The can be found out by comparing the desired competency levels and displayed competency levels. (Fill in the blank)
Ans. Competencies gaps

28. Which of the following is not an element of counselling ability? (Choose the right option)
(a) Understanding skills
(b) Empathy
(c) Body language
(d) Information searching
Ans. (d)

29. Success is possible in business only if proper and of the happenings of the business environment is made. (Fill in the blanks)
Ans. Understanding, analysis

30. To be successful in the professional world, one has to possess the ability to foresee future changes and competitions. (True/ false)
Ans. True

31. Various human resource systems in an organisation can be integrated with _as the focal point.
Ans. Competencies

32. Competencies are demonstrated in a job success. (True/ False)
Ans. False

33. Human resources audit checklist can be a useful tool for HR audit. (True/False)
Ans. True

34. Audit of managerial compliance must be performed once in the life-time of the company. (True/False)
Ans. False

35. Organisations should keep records of accidents in the workplace so as to . (Fill in the blank)
Ans. Avoid the same in future

36. Unauthoried absence costs money and reflects dissatisfaction with the organisation. (True/False)
Ans. True

37. In order to overcome the competition, revision of corporate strategies should be pursued. (Fill in the blank)
Ans. Frequently

38. Corporate strategies gain competitive advantage through appropriate HR policies. (True/False)
Ans. True

39. Which of the following is not included in the areas of HR audit evaluation? (Choose the right option)
(a) Recruiting new employees
(b) Safeguarding confidential information of the employees
(c) Providing increased leaves to the employees
(d) Managing and supporting employees
Ans. (c)

40. Employment application may or may not be legally compliant. (True/False)
Ans. False

41. The is an effective tool for communicating company culture and expectations from the employees towards the company. (Fill in the blank)
Ans. Employee handbook

42. There is a __ relationship between the CEO’s commitment towards HRD and the effectiveness of the HRD function. (Fill in the blank)
Ans. Direct

43. Organisations with a highly competent HRD staff derive less benefit from the audit process as compared to the others. (True/False)
Ans. False

44. Which of the following organisational characteristics will definitely have a relation to the utilisation of the audit inputs? (Choose the right option)
a) Market positioning
b) Tendency of groupism among employees
c) Linkage with industries
d) Productivity of the employees
Ans. (d)

45. HR audit betters recruitment policies and more staff. (Fill in the blank)
Ans. Professional

46. The HRD audit also examines the _ between HRD and other systems. (Fill in the blank)
Ans. Linkages

47. Which of the following is not a business goal? (Choose the right option)
a. Internal operational efficiencies
b. Government authorities satisfaction
c. Internal customer satisfaction
d. External customer satisfaction
Ans. (b)

48. The interaction of HR practices results in explaining higher variation in the measures of objective organisational performance. (True/False)
Ans. True

49. Annual salary should be mentioned on the offer letter so as to avoid future legal problems. (True/False)
Ans. False

50. Permanent should be used to describe an employee’s status. (True/False)
Ans. Never

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In conclusion, completing a human resource audit multiple choice questions can help organizations ensure their Human Resources are effectively managed and organized.

Having a thorough understanding of the questions and possible answers can help organizations ensure they have a successful human resources audit. It is also important to be aware of any changes in laws or regulations that may require updates to the audit.

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