Data Structures and Algorithms MCQ Questions and Answers

Data Structures and Algorithms MCQ Questions and Answers

Data Structures and Algorithms MCQ Questions and Answers. MCQ on Data Structures and Algorithms with Answers. DSA MCQ Questions.

If so, you’ve come to the right place! In this article, we’ll provide you with a comprehensive list of MCQs related to Data Structures and Algorithms. The questions cover a range of topics from basic to advanced level, making them ideal for students of all levels.

Data Structures and Algorithms MCQ

Data Structures and Algorithms MCQ

1. Data structures can be divided into ___ types
A) One
B) Two
B) Three
D) Four
Ans: B

2. In the linked list the elements are connected by the link field which contains the address of the ___
A) Next Node
B) Previous node
C) The Last node
D) None of these
Ans: A

3. ___ is a data structure in which insertions and deletions are restricted at one end, called the top.
A) Linked Lists
B) Trees
C) Graph
D) Stack
Ans: D

4. The process to find the location of the record with the given key value is called ___
A) Traversing
B) Sorting
C) Searching
D) Deletion
Ans: C

5. The floor and ceiling functions are also called ___ or ___ integer functions.
A) Greater, least
B) Least, greater
C) Small, greater
D) Big, small
Ans: A

6. A ___ of a set of n elements is an arrangement of the elements in a given order.
A) Combination
B) Permutation
C) Group
D) None of these
Ans: B

7. An algorithm is a ___ procedure in the normal English language for solving a particular problem.
A) Random
B) Complicated
C) Both A and B
D) Step by step
Ans: D

8. The number of cases involved in complexity theory are ___
A) Three
B) Two
C) Four
D) Five
Ans: A

9. Traversing a linked list means processing each node of the list exactly ___.
A) Twice
B) Thrice
C) Once
D) None of these
Ans: C

10. The operating system of a computer may periodically collect all the deleted space onto the free storage list and this technique is called ___.
A) Memory management
B) Garbage Collection
C) Memory allocation
D) Memory Deallocation
Ans: B

11. In ___, the null pointer in the last node is replaced with the address of the first node so that it forms a circle.
A) Doubly linked list
B) Linear linked list
C) Circular doubly linked list
D) Circular linked list
Ans: D

12. ___ is the process of removing a node from the linked list.
A) Traversal
B) Searching
C) Insertion
D) Deletion
Ans: D

13. The two basic operations in the stack are ___.
A) Insertion and deletion
B) Searching and sorting
C) Push and pop
D) None of these
Ans: C

14. Before executing push operation one must check for the ___ condition.
A) Underflow
B) Overflow
C) Full
D) Empty
Ans: B

15. In linked list representation of stack, push operation is performed by inserting a node into the ___ of the linked list.
A) End
B) Middle
C) Front
D) None of these
Ans: C

16. Before executing the pop operation we must check for the ___ condition.
A) Underflow
B) Overflow
C) Full
D) Empty
Ans: A

17. A ___ is a non-linear data structure consisting of a root node.
A) Stack
B) Queue
C) Tree
D) Graph
Ans: C

18. ___ connects nodes with one another in a tree data structure.
A) Root
B) Degree
C) Siblings
D) Edge
Ans: D

19. A ___ is a special case of the tree where no node of a tree can have a degree more than two.
A) Forest
B) Leaves
C) Binary Tree
D) Root
Ans: C

20. In ___ traversal, traversal starts with the leftmost subtree.
A) Inorder
B) Preorder
C) Postorder
D) Both A and B
Ans: C

21. General tree can be converted into an equivalent binary tree, but this process makes the tree imbalanced.
A) True
B) False
Ans: A

22. Incomplete tree is very efficient in memory management.
A) True
B) False
Ans: B

23. Binary search tree (BST) is also known as ___
A) Ordered binary tree
B) Unordered Binary tree
C) Sequential Binary tree
D) Unbalanced Binary tree
Ans: A

24. If we are trying to delete a ___ node in a binary search tree just delete that node and the rest of the tree is left as it is.
A) Root node
B) Leaf node
C) Node with two children
D) Node with one child
Ans: B

25. Which tree has a balancing factor?
A) AVL tree
B) Binary tree
C) Complete binary tree
D) Strictly Binary tree
Ans: A

26. If a balance factor of a node is ___ then the heights of its left and right subtrees are equal.
A) 1
B) -1
C) 0
D) 2
Ans: C

27. If the balance factor of any node in the tree is affected, then we apply the technique called ___.
A) Addition
B) Rotation
C) Tree balance
D) Redirection
Ans: B

28. R0 rotation is used during the deletion of a node from AVL tree.
A) True
B) False
Ans: B

29. A graph data structure consists mainly of ___.
A) Nodes
B) Edges
C) Root
D) Both A and B
Ans: D

30. In the graph, the direct link between two nodes is known as ___.
A) Path
B) Arc
C) Edge
D) Route
Ans: B

31. Full form of PERT is
A) Program Evaluation and Review Technique
B) Process Evaluation and Review Technique
C) Program Effective and Review Technique
D) Process Effective and Review Technique
Ans: A

32. The vertex order produced by a topological sort is unique.
A) True
B) False
Ans: B

33. Free memory in the free storage area generally holds the memory as ___ block.
A) Contiguous
B) Non-contiguous
C) Continuous
D) Random
Ans: B

34. ___ occurs when more storage is allocated than is actually requested.
A) External fragmentation
B) Memory Deallocation
C) Internal fragmentation
D) Memory Allocation
Ans: C

35. ___ is a simplistic method of sorting data that is used very commonly.
A) Insertion sort
B) Merge Sort
C) Selection Sort
D) Bubble Sort
Ans: D

36. ___ bugs occur when a piece of memory is freed while there are still pointers to it.
A) Reference Pointer
B) Dangling Pointer
C) Double Free
D Garbage Collection
Ans: B

37. ___ is one of the sorting techniques that is used for sequencing small lists.
A) Selection Sort
B) Bubble Sort
C) Merge sort
D) Insertion Sort
Ans: A

38. In the heap sort heapify procedure pick the largest child key and compares it to the ___.
A) Parent node
B) Root node
C) largest leaf node
D) None of these
Ans: A

39. In graphs the ___ is used to visit all of the nodes in the graph for its examination and not always finds the shortest path.
A) Depth-first search
B) Breadth-first search
C) Linear Search
D) Binary Search
Ans: A

40. A ___ is a subgraph of a graph G that includes all the vertices of G and is also a tree.
A) Binary tree
B) Binary Search Tree
C) Spanning tree
D) AVL tree
Ans: C

41. Binary search is one of the fastest ways to search the element in a sorted array.
A) True
B) False
Ans: A

42. Primary uses of external storage devices are:
A) Backup or overlay of the program during execution.
B) Storage of programs, subprograms, and data.
C) Storage of information in files.
D) All of above
Ans: D

43. The device that performs the actual ___ of data is a tape drive.
A) Reading
B) Writing
C) Both A and B
D) None of the above
Ans: C

44. A ___ is a metal cylinder coated with magnetic iron-oxide material on which data and programs can be stored
A) Magnetic Tape
B) Magnetic Drum
C) Floppy Disk
D) Hard Disk
Ans: B

45. Polyphase is one of the popular sorting methods for ___ sorting.
A) Internal
B) External
C) Both A and B
D) None of the above
Ans: B

46. Which sorting technique is recommended for the runs holding the number of records less than 15?
A) Heap
B) Selection
C) Merge
D) Insertion
Ans: B

47. The run lists are ___
A) The small batches created in external sorting
B) The large batches created in external sorting
C) The small batches created in internal sorting
D) The large batches created in internal sorting
Ans: A

48. Hashing is the technique that uses mathematical functions to sort ___ data in a speedy and organized fashion.
A) Incoming
B) Outgoing
C) Stored
D) Both A and B
Ans: A

49. The hashing function changes dynamically and at any given instant there can be at most ___ hashing functions used by the scheme.
A) One
B) Two
C) Three
D) Four
Ans: B

50. The open-addressing schemes are :
A) Linear Probing
B) Quadratic Probing
C) Double Hashing
D) All of above
Ans: D

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