Fundamentals of Data Communication and Computer Network MCQ

Fundamentals of Data Communication and Computer Network MCQ

Fundamentals of data communication and computer network MCQ . Data Communication multiple choice questions with answers pdf.

With this in mind, this article introduces readers to a comprehensive set of MCQ (multiple choice questions) covering the fundamentals of data communication and computer networks. These MCQ’s can serve as an invaluable study aid for anyone looking to further their knowledge in these fields.

Data Communication and Computer Network MCQ

Data communication and computer network MCQ

1. Computer is a ___ tool.
A. Information
B. Knowledge
C. Data
D. Digital
Ans: A

2. ___ is defined as the rate of transferring error-free data.
A. Consistency
B. Slow
C. Performance
D. Bandwidth
Ans: C

3. Electronic mail is popularly known as ___.
A. Email
B. Mail
C. Webmail
D. Netmail
Ans: A

4. A ___ signal is made up of many sign waves.
A. Composite
B. Physical
C. Functional
D. Simple
Ans: A

5. The range of frequencies contained in a composite signal is its ___.
A. Phase
B. Signal
C. Noise
D. Bandwidth
Ans: D

6. Thermal noise is caused by the random motion of ___.
A. Electrons
B. Protons
C. Neutrons
D. Atoms
Ans: A

7. ___ is the process of converting digital data to digital signals.
A. Line coding
B. Data Encoding
C. Sampling
D. Data Decoding
Ans: A

8. A data element is the smallest entity that can represent a piece of ___.
A. Data
B. Knowledge
C. Information
D. Signal
Ans: C

9. ___ is the procedure of constraining something from a continuous set of values to a discrete set.
A. Scrambling
B. Encoding
C. Quantization
D. Decoding
Ans: C

10. ___ is simple error detection used with character-oriented protocols.
A. Character stuffing
B. Error Control
C. Byte Stuffing
D. Parity Checking
Ans: D

11. ___ deals with the throttling speed of the sender to match that of the receiver.
A. Hamming code
B. Flow Control
C. Framing
D. Error Control
Ans: B

12. ___ method gets around the problem of synchronization after an error by having each frame start and end with special bytes.
A. Character Stuffing
B. Parity Checking
C. Encoding
D. Decoding
Ans: A

13. ___ channels are non-existent.
A. Noise
B. Noiseless
C. Simple
D. Complex
Ans: B

14. The ___ is an imaginary box covering the sequence numbers of the data frames which can be in transits.
A. Send window
B. Receive sliding window
C. Send sliding window
D. Receive window
Ans: A

15. ___ protocol has no flow or error control.
A. Selective repeat
B. Simplest
C. Send window
D. Main memory
Ans: B

16. High-level data link protocol is the most commonly used standard that is implemented at the ___ layer.
A. Transport
B. Network
C. Datalink
D. Application
Ans: C

17. The usual way of allocating a single channel among multiple users is ___.
A. Frequency Division Multiplexing
B. Carrier Sense Multiple Access
C. Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection
D. Frequency Addition Multiplexing
Ans: A

18. An improvement to the original aloha protocol was ___.
A. Pure aloha
B. Slotted aloha
C. Unslotted aloha
D. Impure aloha
Ans: B

19. DSAP stands for ___.
A. Data service access point
B. Destination service access point
C. Data service access phase
D. Destination service access phase
Ans: B

20. The Ethernet frame consists of ___ fields.
A. Six
B. Five
C. Eight
D. Seven
Ans: D

21. The first step in the ___ evolution was the division of a LAN by bridges.
A. Data
B. Ethernet
C. Network
D. Computer
Ans: B

22. Dynamic routing dominates the ___.
A. Static Routing
B. Routing table
C. Internet
D. Multi Routing
Ans: C

23. The routing process usually directs forwarding on the basis of ___.
A. Link state routing
B. Routing table
C. Distance vector Routing
D. Routing column
Ans: B

24. When hierarchical routing is used, routers are divided into ___.
A. Regions
B. Network
C. Hubs
D. Fields
Ans: A

25. A ___ is a subset of the subnet that includes all the routers but contains no loops.
A. Sink tree
B. Spanning tree
C. Multicast tree
D. Binary tree
Ans: B

26. AODV stands for ___.
A. Ad hoc On-Distance Vector
B. Ad hoc On-Demand Vector
C. Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector
D. Ad hoc On-Distance Demand Vector
Ans: C

27. In ___ each packet contains either a list of destinations or a bit map indicating the desired destination.
A. Multidestination Routing
B. Packet Routing
C. Routing
D. Complex Routing
Ans: A

28. ___ is a major problem when traffic in the network is very high.
A. Collision
B. Congestion
C. Retransmission
D. Buffering
Ans: B

29. ___ processors can also cause congestion
A. Slow
B. Fast
C. Complex
D. Simple
Ans: A

30.Closed-loop solutions are based on the concept of a ___ loop.
A. Open
B. Closed
C. Random
D. Feedback
Ans: D

31. ___ technique is used to allow a single network address to span multiple physical networks.
A. Subnet addressing
B. IP addressing
C. Subnet Masking
D. IP Masking
Ans: A

32. In the large number of ___ networks, the networks cannot contain many hosts.
A. Logical
B. Data
C. Physical
D. Open
Ans: A

33. The term IP Address is used to mean a ___ address in the network layer of the TCP/IP protocol suite.
A. Logical
B. Physical
C. Data
D. Digital
Ans: A

34. ___ allows the receiver to say “Whoa!” before it is overwhelmed.
A. Error Control
B. Flow Control
C. Congestion Control
D. Data Control
Ans: B

35. ___ is a very simple ‘datagram’ service, which provides limited error reduction and multiple ports.
Ans: A

36. ___ release treats the connection as two separate unidirectional connections
A. Linear
B. Asymmetric
C. Unique
D. Symmetric
Ans: D

37. Sending ___ through a mail gateway can alter the end-to-end delivery specification.
A. Mail
B. Page
C. Email
D. Link
Ans: A

38. The model on which most mailing systems are built consists of ___ types of components.
A. Four
B. Five
C. Six
D. Three
Ans: D

39. MDA is ___.
A. Mail delivery agent
B. Mail delivery agency
C. Mail data agency
D. Mail data agent
Ans: A

40. Any software company or individual programmer is able to create ___ server.
D. Basic
Ans: B

Computer Networks MCQ Questions and Answers

41. FTP runs exclusively over ___.
D. Telnet
Ans: C

42. The ___ protocol also specifies various commands that control the method and various details of the interaction between the client and server.
A. Telnet
Ans: A

43. ___ is a command-line tool designed for most UNIX-like operating systems.
A. FTP protocol
B. Send mail
C. Receive mail
D. TCP protocol
Ans: B

44. A/An ___, at a minimum, consists of a Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) interpreter.
A. Email
B. Web page
C. Internet Explorer
D. Web browser
Ans: D

45. ___ is a stateless protocol because it does not keep track of the connections.
Ans: B

46. SSL is ___.
A. Secure Socket Levels
B. Secure Sockets Layer
C. Server Socket Layer
D. Server Socket Levels
Ans: B

47. The ___ fetches the page requested, interprets the text and formatting commands on it
B. Browser
C. Interpreter
D. Protocol
Ans: B

48. PGP is ___.
A. Pretty Good Privacy
B. Pretty Good Policy
C. Pretty Great Policy
D. Pretty Great Privacy
Ans: A

49. S/MIME is ___
A. Secure/Multi Internet Mail Extension
B. Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension
C. Simple/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension
D. Simple/ Multi Internet Mail Extension
Ans: B

50. PEMis ___.
A. Privacy Enhanced Mail
B. Property Enhanced Mail
C. Privacy Emphasized Mail
D. Property Emphasized Mail
Ans: A

Data Communication and Networking MCQs Download Pdf


Fundamentals of Data Communication and Computer Network MCQ can be a valuable resource for those interested in learning more about the fundamentals of data communication and computer networks.

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