C++ Programming Multiple Choice Questions and Answers. C++ MCQ Questions and answers pdf for the preparation of MCA, BCA & IT exams.
Are you looking to sharpen your C Programming skills? This article provides an overview of C Programming Multiple Choice Questions and Answers. We will review the types of questions that are commonly asked, as well as some tips on how to best prepare for them.
Whether you are a beginner or experienced programmer, this article is sure to help you improve your understanding of C programming. With certain strategies and practice, you can greatly increase your coding proficiency.
C++ Programming Multiple Choice Questions and Answers
1) High-Level Languages like C, Basic, Fortran are also known as Procedural Languages.
a) True
b) False
Answer: A
2) The Procedural Languages focused on organized program statements into ___ or ___.
a) Procedure, Functions
b) Module, OOP
c) High, Low
d) None of these
Answer: A
3) More than one function had to access data ___ variables were used.
a) Local
b) Automatic
C) Global
d) Static
Answer: C
4) ___ is an OOPS Language.
a) C, Pascal, Fortran
b) C++, Small Talk, Java
c) .Net, VB, Oracle
d) None of these
Answer: B
5) ___ is a Program representation of some real-world thing.
a) Object
b) Class
c) Attributes
d) Function
Answer: A
6) Objects are ___of a class
a) Instances
b) Classes
c) Attributes
d) None of these
Answer: A
7) ___ features allow easy modification of existing code and also reuse code.
a) Inheritance
b) Polymorphism
c) Data Hiding
d) Overloading
Answer: A
8) Polymorphism is a feature of C++ where the same functions behave differently depending upon what they are operating on.
a) True
b) False
Answer: A
9) Double data type takes 4 bytes in size.
a) True
b) False
Answer: A
10) ___ is a header file used in C++ that handles input and output functions.
a) stdio.h
b) iostream.h
c) conio.h
d) string.h
Answer: B
11) Break statement takes the control out of the switch statement.
a) True
b) False
Answer: A
12) ___ operator acts as a shortcut for the if-else statement.
a) Unary
b) Conditional
c) Logical
d) Increment/Decrement
Answer: B
13) ___ Loop executed the statements at least once
a) while
b) Do-while
Answer: B
14) All the parts for Loop like Loop initialization, Loop termination, condition statement for the next iteration are all included in one statement.
a) True
b) False
Answer: A
15) ___ header file should be included to use the exit function.
a) Process.h
b) conio.h
c) stdio.h
d) iostream.h
Answer: A
16) ___ can be defined as data structures that allow storing a group of data of the same datatype.
a) Array
b) Structure
c) Union
d) String
Answer: A
17) The index number starts with ___ and the last index number of an array of size n will be ___
a) 0, n-1
b) 1,n
c) 0, n+1
d) 0,n
Answer: A
18) All the elements are enclosed in an Array within ___ brackets.
a) flower
b) small
c) Large
Answer: A
19) An array with the declaration int a[4][5] can store ___ numbers
a) 20
b) 9
c) 21
d) 19
Answer: A
20) String stores an extra ___ character for every string to mark the end of the string
a) null
b) ‘\0’
c) /0
d) None of these
Answer: A
21) cin.get (str,40);
To read multiple lines of text from the user. It reads 39 characters maximum
a) True
b) False
Answer: A
22) ___ member function of cin allows user to input embedded blanks and linefeed within the string
a) get
b) getline
c) gets
d) None of these
Answer: A
23) If there are no arguments in a function ___ should be specified within the brackets.
a) void
b) int
c) ;
d) None of these
Answer: A
24) More than one user-defined function can have the same name and perform different operations. This feature of c++ is known as ___.
a) Function overloading
b) operator overloading
c) overloading
d) None of these
Answer: A
25) In Passing the argument by ___ no copy of the variable is created.
a) value
b) reference
Answer: B
26) ___ arguments are whose values need not be explicitly passed during the function call.
a) default
b) format
c) actual
Answer: A
27) ___ functions enable programmers to save processing time by reducing the overheads involved in the function call.
a) inline
b) external
c) void
Answer: A
28) Classes are defined with the keyword ___ followed by the name of the class.
a) class
b) object
c) c) public
Answer: A
29) ___ function is an external function that can access the private data members of a class.
a) Friend
b) Protected
c) getdata()
d) None of these
Answer: A
30) ___ member function invoked automatically whenever the objects are destroyed or expired
a) destructor ~
b) constructor ~
Answer: A
31) The data and functions are ___by default if no keyword can be omitted.
a) Public
b) Private
c) Protected
Answer: B
32) Constructors can have arguments and can be overloaded.
a) True
b) False
Answer: A
33) ___ data members of the classes that are common for all the objects of the class and are accessible for the class.
a) Static
b) Dynamic
c) Private
d) Public
Answer: A
34) Dot operator, scope resolution (::) operator, conditional operator (?:) can be overloaded.
a) True
b) False
Answer: B
35)Some of the Unary operators are ++, — and minus(-)
a) True
b) False
Answer: A
36) Member Function of a class can be defined outside the class using the ___ operator along with the class name.
a) binary
b) scope resolution (::) operator
c) relational
d) overloading
Answer: B
37) ___ function can act as a bridge between two classes using a single function to operate on multiple data types.
a) Friend
b) Operator
c) Public
d) Protected
Answer: A
38) Several operators such as dot operator, scope resolution (::), conditional operator (?:) etc. can be overloaded
a) True
b) False
Answer: B
39 Operator overloading feature helps to change the functionality of operators with any data type.
a) True
b) False
Answer: A
40. It is necessary to overload operators for all classes.
a) True
b) False
Answer: B
41) Object-oriented programming approach is bundling both data and ___ into one unit known as ___.
a) functions, object
b) Procedure, class
c) information, procedure
d) None of these
Answer: A
42) Class and object support ___ and ___ which are describing the terms of object-oriented programming languages.
a) data encapsulation, data hiding
b) data, function
c) inheritance, polymorphism
d) None of these
Answer: A
43) C++ program file is saved with an ___ extension. The source code has to be converted to an ___code with ___ extension is created.
a) .cpp, object code, .obj
b) .c, source code, .link
c) .cpp, object code, .exe
d) All of the above
Answer: A
44) ___ statement allows choosing a set of statements for execution depending on a condition. If statement and ___ statement allows selection in c++.
a) Selection, switch
b) Iteration, conditional
c) Selection, conditional
d) None of these.
Answer: A
45) In exception handling, ___ keywords are used
a) Try
b) Catch
c) Throw
d) All
Answer: D
46) char name[20]
name=” Good Morning”;
This is True or False
a) True
b) False
Answer: B
47) Char str[]; is a valid statement
a) True
b) False
Answer: B
48) Part1. Every function has three components
a) return value
b) function name
c) set of arguments
d) None of these
Part 2. Every function may not return a value
a) 1) True2) false
b) 1) True2) True
Answer: A
49) Data can be passed to functions in Two ways ___ & ___
a) Passing by value, Passing by reference
b) Pass by data, Pass by address
Answer: A
50) ___ are member functions of a class that has the same name as the class name. ___ are called automatically whenever an object of the class is created.
a) constructor, constructor
b) constructor, destructor
c) class, ~
d) ~, constructor
Answer: A
C programming is a powerful language that allows the user to create amazing programs. It is important to understand the fundamentals of the language, as well as practice solving C programming multiple choice questions and answers in order to master it.
With consistency and dedication, you will be able to become a confident C programmer. Therefore, start your journey today and increase your knowledge of this powerful language. Finally, don’t forget to have fun while learning – this will help you stay motivated and make the experience more enjoyable.
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the work is so legit.
should also consider the essay question and also should include the project questions.
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